Sunday, October 24, 2010

Animal Testing for Cosmetics

When I became a vegetarian I decided that it was not enough to just not eat meat. If I really cared for the rights of the animals that I was not eating, then how could I use products that promote their suffering? So, I tried buying cosmetics that did not test on animals. This worked for a few weeks, until I ran out of money and my hair was extremely oily from shampoo that was all natural but simply didn't work as well.

I find staying away from products that are tested on animals to be much more difficult than not consuming their flesh. These products are few and far between and are often more expensive because they do not sell in the number that products tested on animals do. Eventually, I was forced to give up my quest for cosmetics not tested on animals because my eczema, dandruff, and wallet were having a hard time with those products.

I applaud anyone who is able to buy these products and not further support animal testing. I will continue to stay away from products tested on animals whenever I can, but the fact of the matter is that it is not possible for me, and probably not for many college students, to afford these products no matter how much we may want to. For now, I'm taking baby steps and hoping that I'm making some sort of a difference.

My question is: Is it morally defensible for vegetarians or vegans who can afford to purchase cosmetics not tested on animals to continue to do so?

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